Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Berries' Dilemma S01 Ep14 - Love To Take Minutes Like These

Episode 14 – Love To Take Minutes Like These

Time measured our life. Let it be in hours, or minutes, or seconds. We were told that time had the ability to heal. Time had this remedy that was slow but effective, and worked in mysterious ways. Measuring and using time wisely would make us better people, like using a few minutes to call an old friend, or to clean your room, or to clip your nails. These little minutes affected us more than we knew, but what if we wanted time to pass by not doing anything? What if something terrible just took place with only time as its healer? Would we be strong enough to wait for time to pass by by doing meaningful chores, or doing beneficial work? Would we be able to carry on as if nothing happened? Some of us did, and some of us, didn’t feel like doing anything for a while.

“So let me get this straight, in one year after I left,, you almost divorce your wife and got together with your college fling, Bulu had an accident and DID divorce his wife, Pussy gave his house to Holy so now he’s basically homeless but with money, Tiny and Jizzy were fired as the head of the family, and Syaz and Belle are back in town, wow.” Shells was summarizing everything up to me.

“Not really, well, everything happened in er, less than a month? Yeah...” I corrected her minor error.

“You people are, messed up.”

“Well thanks for reminding me.”

“Wait, so, if I am getting this clearly, this means that all this actually started with you!” She stabbed me right through my heart.

“OWH! How rude! It was me AND Apple.” I tried to lessen my guilt.

“Oh of course of course, you couldn’t have done it on your own now could you?” She was being as sarcastic as she was before she left.

“Oi oi, this is not why I invited you for coffee this morning all right.”
It was a good morning. Having a cup of coffee with an old friend felt right in healing or rather, plastering recent, wretched events. It had been a week since I last talked to my wife. It had been a week since Pussy gave his house to Holy and made his heroic statement. It had been more than a week since most of us were actually happy.

“So what are you going to do? Since you are somehow responsible for this.” Shells asked the millionaire question.

“Actually, I wanted to ask YOU about that, do you have any idea how I can fix this?” I answered her question with an earnest one.

“Hmm, this is tough. Have you tried apologizing?”

“To who? My wife? Yeah. I did.”


“She ignored me.” I said disappointedly.

“Give her some time, and apologize again. AND, you should also be apologizing to everyone, even if you did them no wrong directly, you did do wrong to them indirectly. Like Jizzy and Tiny.” Shells explained wisely.

“Okay okay, I’ll do it, later, or something. Enough about this, how’s working as a project manager of a multi millionaire clothing company?” I changed the troubled topic.


She began explaining to me terms that I could not comprehend, but I listened anyway. Of course, she explained to me in human terms minutes after.

Walking on a four inches heels, with expensive jewelleries dazzling on parts of her figure, Smelly was typically rushing to work. Her talk show, JQTV, that went on air once a week, was put on hold a few days ago, hence making her busier than ever. She answered her phone that was ringing louder than her usual voice. It was one of her workers, asking about their next guess.

“Look I told you, we’re not going with that singer anymore, we’re going with an actress. I pay you to listen to me, not to make your own suggestions! I know he’s good looking and famous, but the last thing I need is some hot shot, preaching about love and relationships. Get that actress if you love this job.” Smelly took command and showed who the boss was.

Kitty was at home, explaining to his wife about his upcoming movie, a movie that he expected to be bigger than his last, which hit a total profit of 8 Million ringgit.

“So this movie that I’m planning to make, is about this guy, a homeless guy, he’s a loner but with a big heart. He wants to make a change for the world, but he needs to do something big effectively, and that is when he learns how to-, are you even listening?” Kitty stopped and asked.

“This movie..Is going to make more than eight..eight...EIGHT million ringgit?! Do you know how much food we can get with that? We can hire the best chefs in the world!”Ribena was fantasizing her dreams.

“Erm, no, we’re gonna invest that money into the housing properties I was looking at the other way, no way we’re gonna waste this money for food.” Kitty unload his intentions, and Ribena gave her husband the angry cat’s face.
Bulu, Pussy, Syaz, Belle, Mush, Egg and Z were shopping for houses. Pussy needed a place to stay, he refused to reside with any of us, he wanted to get his own place, preferably smaller than this previous one, and with no hidden chapel built underneath it.

“This one looks good. 3000 square feet, 4 rooms and 2 baths. It’s the ideal duplex condo. Great view too.” Bulu said while looking at a long haired chinese girl who was watering her plants next door, and seconds later, the rest of the guys looked at the tempting view too.

“Yeah it’s great, how about this, I’ll pay half more of the price if you let me keep the furniture and air conditioners.” Pussy told the house dealer.

“O-Of course! Hope you enjoy your new home!” The dealer said.

“Damn rich right you?” Egg asked.

“I haven’t been spending a lot recently. Mostly at home regretting.” Pussy replied sadly.

“But those dark ages are over! It’s time for a new start!” Z tried to comfort Pussy.

“That’s right, it’ll be all right soon, don’t worry.” Syaz and Belle were trying to comfort Pussy too.

In their mansion, Jizzy and Tiny were on their couch, watching television and criticizing the actors and actresses in it, and how typical the storylines were.

“I don’t understand why someone would be wearing that kind of clothes for a regular lunch outside. It’s ridiculous! I tell you, malay movies ah, trying to portrait that we like to overdress.” Jizzy complained to his wife.

“Yeah! And plus Malaysia is like, ten thousand degrees hot!” Tiny replied.

“And what’s with these commercials? MTV really needs to get new people to work on their commercials. They don’t make sense at all!” Jizzy continued his list of complaints.

We both sat there thinking, thinking about the most effective way to fix everything, but neither of us thought anything good. Shells didn’t get home solely to talk about the problems, she also had other people to see and surprise. I wasn’t the only one on her list. Knowing that, it was inevitable for us to part ways.

“Don’t tear your head out over this all right. Just take some time off.” Shells advised before leaving.

“I think I’ll go home and apologize to my wife. Should I get flowers and stuff?” I asked.

“Yeah that would be better. Wait you buy flowers now?” Shells asked, shocked.

“Erm not really, just because I should doesn’t mean I’m gonna.” I said.
We smiled, we hugged, and she left. I couldn’t wait to get back home. I drove as fast and as safe as I could. On my way back, my phone started ringing. ‘Bulu’ was on the screen.

“Yeah?” I answered.

“Dude do you know where Apple is?” He asked over the phone. He sounded worried.

“Not really why?” I asked curiously.

“She left a note saying she’s leaving. All of her stuff is gone and, I can’t contact her. Where do you think she went?” Bulu asked, he was obviously concerned.

“What? I don’t know man. I’ll try calling her.” I told Bulu.

“Aite, seriously, dude, I need to find her man. I don‘t want her to do anything stupid because of me, and you too.” Bulu reminded me.

I felt bad. Not because I felt at fault, but because I was caught up with this apology that I was going to do. I felt bad because I was not that concerned as I was with apologizing to Smelly. I wanted the marriage to be fine and great again, not stable just because we’re responsible for everyone.

“Hey.” I said as soon I saw her sitting next to the aquarium where goldy resided.

“What were you doing last night?” She asked slowly.

“Hm? I told you, I went out with the guys. We had a few drinks, well they did, I drank some coke.”

“Was that it? Was that everything that you did?” She asked again, this time, with hidden intentions.

“Er, yeah.” I lied honestly.

“You know how I feel about you smoking, and lying, and sneaking around my back.” There it was, the secret was out. We both kept silent for a while. I couldn’t bring myself to apologize anymore. I needed to get myself out of this one first, but before I could say anything, she continued her speech. “I don’t know who you are anymore, you used to love me more than anything in this world, you were one of the good guys, one of the better men out there, but now, I don’t know who you are anymore. Recently all you’ve been doing is lie to me.”

“That’s not true!” I said it, but I didn’t actually mean it.

“I can’t take this anymore. I don’t understand you, and I don’t really care...I want you out of this house by tonight.”

I looked at her, and all I could feel, was not hatred, but something worse, named disappointment. Life got darker for all of us, but the world continued spinning, ignoring our plead for help



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